I thought I'd go for efficiency so I used the Holmes & Gardner* article to generate a list of words and definitions related to e-Learning. Credit to Beth for the idea to put it all into a wordle cloud (hope that's OK Beth!) - I've set mine out so that the larger ones are those which I'd like to explore further, or which I have less familiarity with. Click here to see a large version.

Incidentally, in the Holmes article they talk about communal constructivism. This is a new term to me and one which I really like (see my previous post on the absence of social constructivism in another reading). Here's the quote which caught my eye: "Giving people the opportunity to reinvest in learning environments is a form of communal constructivism (Holmes et al, 2001), a process in which learners put their learning back into the community to benefit others, which will promote an evolution of teaching and learning." (p. 17). This concept ties in well with the advent of web 2.0 and for me, gives a real sense of optimism to the future of e-learning.
* (see Chapter 2: "Enter e-learning." pp. 13-34, from Holmes, B., & Gardner, J. (2006). e-Learning: Concepts and practice, London: SAGE Publications.)
:) I too really like the term communal constructivism. Hove you seen http://www.core-ed.net/takingitglobal.
ReplyDeleteYes, Susie Vesper's also talked a bit about it in some PD sessions our cluster's done. Sadly it's one of those things I've not yet had the time to indulge in. However, communal constructivism is a great term/idea which meshes really well with the assignment work I'm doing on Google Apps so thanks for bringing it up for my attention again.